Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be a member of the PTO?

If you’re a mother, father, grandparent, guardian, or staff member, you can be a member.  It provides many avenues to volunteer, participate, and be involved in your child’s middle school experience.


Why should I join the PTO?

Membership in the PTO helps to support Landrum, its students and staff.  Membership fees go directly to the PTO budget to support the school.  Membership also gives you access to the online school directory, and community chat board.


How do I join the PTO?



How does the PTO raise funds?

The PTO raises money through membership fees, fundraisers, as well as community partner donations. The PTO is a non-profit, 501c3 organization, so all donations are tax deductible. 


Where do the membership fees go? 

Throughout the year, Landrum PTO finances the following :

  • Cubs in Need Expenses

  • Back to School Gift Cards for Teachers

  • Back to School Brunch for All Staff

  • Monthly Staff Lounge Decorations and Treats

  • Mini Grants: $150 for Teachers, $300 for Resource Teachers

  • Food and Supplies for October Staff BBQ

  • Gifts/Gift Cards for Bus Drivers (Driver Appreciation Week)

  • Breakfast and Lunch for Science Fair Volunteers

  • Refreshments for Breakfast with the Principal Meetings

  • Holiday Gifts and $50 Cash for All Staff, including Bus Drivers

  • Performing Arts Play for Each Grade Level

  • Staff Appreciation Week: Breakfasts, Lunches, Snacks & Gifts

  • Gift Cards for Teacher Prizes

  • Giveaways at LMS Events

  • Rising 6th Graders & New Family Events

  • 8th Grade Dance

  • Ongoing Classroom Supplies

  • Extracurricular Support (Clubs, Student Activities)

  • Special Projects: Staff Lounge Renovation (2023-2024)

When are the PTO Meetings?

The PTO Board meets the first Monday of each month.  

PTO Meeting Schedule 


Am I required to attend PTO meetings if I join the PTO?

No, PTO meetings are open to anyone.  You are not required to attend PTO meetings.


How can I help/volunteer?

The PTO has many volunteer opportunities with varying levels of time commitment throughout the year to fit all schedules.   

PTO Volunteer Opportunities 


What is Membership Toolkit and why do I need to sign up?

Membership Toolkit (MTK) is our secure online directory website.  The PTO does not have access to information that is collected by the school or district.  In order for us to send you emails about PTO and school events, we need you to provide us with your contact information.  You get to select which information you would like to share in the school directory, which is only available to paid PTO members.  (Some parents do not like the login feature on MTK, but this is necessary to ensure that your information is protected.  If you ever forget it, just select “forgot password” and you can easily reset it to something you’ll remember.)