Staff Appreciation

Landrum Middle PTO believes that our dedicated staff members are the heart and soul of our school community. This page is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the hard work, passion, and commitment of our amazing teachers and support staff.


Why is Staff Appreciation Important?

Staff appreciation is essential because it acknowledges the tireless efforts of our educators and support personnel who play a crucial role in shaping the lives of our students. Our staff members go above and beyond to create a positive and nurturing learning environment where students can grow academically and personally. They devote countless hours to planning lessons, mentoring students, and fostering a sense of belonging within the school community.


How We Show Our Appreciation:

  1. Thank You Notes and Cards: We encourage students, parents, and fellow staff members to express their gratitude through thank you notes and cards. A simple heartfelt message can make a tremendous difference and brighten someone's day.

  2. Secret Pal:  Become a part of our exciting Secret Pal program and spread joy throughout the school year! Once you sign up, you'll be assigned a Secret Pal among our school staff members.  Throughout the school year, you'll have the opportunity to send thoughtful gifts to your Secret Pal to brighten their day.

  3. Staff Appreciation Week: Each year, we organize a Staff Appreciation Week filled with various activities and surprises to make our staff feel valued and celebrated. During this week, we invite parents and students to participate in showing their gratitude through small acts of kindness and thoughtful gestures.

  4. Classroom Support: As a PTO, we strive to provide support for our teachers in their classrooms. Whether it's organizing school supplies drives, donating classroom resources, or offering assistance with classroom decorations, we want to ensure that our educators have everything they need to create a vibrant learning environment.

  5. Professional Development: We recognize the importance of continuous growth and learning for our staff members. Through our PTO, we help fund professional development opportunities, workshops, and training sessions that will enhance our teachers' skills and enrich their teaching practices.

  6. End-of-Year Celebration: To wrap up the school year, we organize a special end-of-year celebration to acknowledge the accomplishments of our staff members and bid farewell to those who may be moving on to new opportunities.

How You Can Get Involved:

We encourage all you to actively participate in showing appreciation for our staff. Your involvement can make a significant impact on our educators and create a more positive and supportive school environment. Here are some ways you can get involved:

  1. Volunteer: Join our Staff Appreciation Committee and help organize events and activities dedicated to our staff members.

  2. Donate: Consider contributing to our Staff Appreciation Fund, which allows us to provide meaningful gifts and support for our teachers throughout the year.

  3. Share Your Stories: If you have a heartwarming story or experience with a staff member that you'd like to share, we'd love to hear it! Your stories can inspire others and remind our educators why their work is so important.

  4. Participate in Events: Be a part of our Staff Appreciation Week and other events organized to honor our staff. Your presence and participation mean a lot to our educators.

We hope that through this Staff Appreciation page, we can foster a culture of gratitude and support for the dedicated staff members who make Landrum Middle School an exceptional place of learning and growth. Let's come together as a community to show our appreciation and celebrate the wonderful work they do every day!


To learn more about how you can contribute, please contact:



Tulin Ostfeld



Staff Appreciation Card Project

Jeannine Feyen
